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free diagnoses without theuse of fluorescent dyes

Blood Louis Vuitton Shoulder Bags tests convey vital medical information, but the sight of aneedle often causes anxiety and results take time. A new device developed by a team ofresearchers in Israel, however, can reveal much the sameinformation as a traditional blood test in real-time, simply byshining a light through the skin. This optical instrument, nobigger than a breadbox, is able to provide high-resolution imagesof blood coursing through our veins without the need for harsh andshort-lived fluorescent dyes. „We have invented a new optical microscope that can see individualblood cells as they flow inside our body,“ says Lior Golan, agraduate student in the biomedical engineering department at theIsrael Institute of Technology, or Technion, and one of the authorson a paper describing the device that is published today in theOptical Society’s (OSA) open-access journal Biomedical Optics Express. By eliminating a long wait-time for blood test results, the newmicroscope might help spotlight warning signs, like high whiteblood cell count, before a patient develops severe medicalproblems. The portability of the device could also enable doctorsin rural areas without easy access to medical labs to screen largepopulations for common blood disorders, Golan notes. Using the new microscope, the researchers imaged the blood flowingthrough a vessel in the lower lip of a volunteer. They successfullymeasured the average diameter of the red and white blood cells andalso calculated the percent volume of the different cell types, akey measurement for many medical diagnoses. The device relies on a technique called spectrally encoded confocalmicroscopy (SECM), which creates images by splitting a light beaminto its constituent colors. The colors are spread out in a linefrom red to violet. To scan blood cells in motion, a probe ispressed against the skin of a patient and the rainbow-like line oflight is directed across a blood vessel near the surface of theskin. As blood cells cross the line they scatter light, which iscollected and analyzed. The color of the scattered light carriesspatial information, and computer programs interpret the signalover time to create 2-D images of the blood cells. Currently, other blood-scanning systems with cellular resolution doexist, but they are far Cheap Louis Vuitton less practical, relying on bulky equipmentor potentially harmful fluorescent dyes that must be injected intothe bloodstream. „An important feature of the technique is its reliance on reflectedlight from the flowing cells to form their images, thus avoidingthe use of fluorescent dyes that could be toxic,“ Golan says.“Since the blood cells are in constant motion, their appearance isdistinctively different from the static tissue surrounding them.“The team’s technique also takes advantage of the one-way flow ofcells to create a compact probe that can quickly image largenumbers of cells while remaining stationary against the skin. At first, the narrow field of view of the microscope made itdifficult for the team to locate suitable capillary vessels toimage. To solve this, the researchers added a green LED and camerato the system to provide a wider view in which the blood vesselsappeared dark because hemoglobin absorbs green light.“Unfortunately, the green channel does not help in finding thedepth of Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolore Shoulder Bags the blood vessel,“ notes Golan. „Adjusting the imagingdepth of the probe for imaging a small capillary is still achallenge we will address in future research.“ The researchers are also working on a second generation system withhigher penetration depth. The new system might expand the range of possible imaging sitesbeyond the inside lip, which was selected as a test site since itwas rich in blood vessels, has no pigment to block light, anddoesn’t lose blood flow in trauma patients. Additional steps include work to miniaturize the system for ease oftransport Louis Vuitton Outlet and use. „Currently, the probe is a bench-top laboratoryversion about the size of a small shoebox,“ says Golan. „We hope tohave a thumb-size prototype within the next year.“ Additional References Citations. I am a professional writer from Silos, which contains a great deal of information about central oriental rugs , inflating air mattress, welcome to visit!