Author Archives: Xxmai

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Sunny scorching summer, less than noon on the fire as parched Fan Jianren experience with the hole in the door slowly blowing the drafts, but he did not feel cool, or whole body heat hard to get naked chest to meet with the occasional breeze. He was still chewing dialogue and wife, he is so small, would send him to school, what you harden it, he was hungry but also infants. „This is a few cents wife Zou sound. Their small children, has been the age of five and a half, take a look around their children, small school, with the exception of their children every day bar in her mother’s arms, still sucking his mother milk, every time I see these, to Kenninji will not play a gas, can not wait for him to speak, the wife few cents on the first to interrupt him, he is also small it, eat less not fill the stomach, but also can not sucking it? Yede Kenninji breathless, unable to manage had any of their natural right. Children should be at school, can not let the children abandoned it, say „wins eat wins wearing numerous school repeatedly coax the child is still in her arms Hanghang chirp Kennin made up idea, reported in the school name, this morning, did not pull up and sent to the school, despite his wife chased out, but chasing his motorcycle, sniveling son to the teacher, began around the school wandering around, but a long time will crying son does not live up to expectations, he tired, got home, his wife vocal meal chatter. Gucci Shoes Online Sale Hid in the doorway to find idle, but is anxious uneasiness. „Suddenly“ bang, like a gust of wind swept from his side, half-blind eyes wide fierce, but to see the son angrily passed, followed by followed by a gasping young woman wearing high heels just listen in the son Walawala cries „foul dad, bad dad kept mouth, subsequently burst of noise,“ none of your business? children homesick, what danger you things more. „the voice of his wife,“ You go, you go, „sound vague son. Kenninji trot went to the never ending, the young teacher with tears stood blankly wife next son mouth, the nipple of the mother is still kept clamoring, „you go, do not come to my house.“ Little feet kicking. Kenninji hurried to the teacher apologize, the wife few cents is Buyiburao, „you let her go, she s none it? Children of my own, happy to go, is not happy and does not go, we are such a small children to allow you to manage YSL T-Shirt For Men it? „Kenninji do not want to attack at this time, but very Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes feel sorry teacher, he kept the apology, but no law to block wife, he growled,“ you xxiaomai22 just shut up. The wife was no longer hoarse. He mounted his motorcycle teacher returned to the school and the teacher kept saying sorry, begging the teacher to forgive, pleaded teacher must be with his discipline the child. Quell the matter, the Replica Louis Vuitton Shoes children could not stubborn Kenninji sent him to school every day, first to scare meal in front of the teacher, and then came every day to pick up the road learned something, but each time without unsparing tell their children not to tell your mother. „

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Although ��ү unspoken, Erye four sons would have guessed Erye mind. So, we aggregate the idea put Kebei tombstoning told Erye Erye felt very satisfied. Kebei erected a monument in zhuangli popular in recent years, whether rich or poor, regardless of whether exuberant spawned, and regardless of the identity and poor is now at hand are loose, sloppy things and pay homage to their ancestors, so, happy woodland everywhere height ranging from stone, year several solar terms, we all gathered together, the common ancestors burning paper money and pay homage to the but Acacia nostalgia, but also to enhance exchanges and understanding between the brothers menfolk. The Erye home forests as early as in the „Cultural Revolution“ level, when the production team set aside a piece of land to do the public cemetery, named happiness Lin, mobilize people scattered in various farmland graves relocated happiness Lin. The time, ��ү is still Replica Louis Vuitton Shoes serving prison labor in the field. The Erye the little brother took years An Bangping the forests, because the Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes hand tight, also because then Erye history counterrevolutionary „, but also because under the teachings of our ancestors – forests feng shui, the grandparents do not automatically forests. So, seeing others Qianfen, no forests on the graves of the of of Erye parents and grandparents relocated to the happiness forest. This thing has been so Erye brooding that meet not speak, the brothers held a grudge until Gucci Shoes Online Sale the country’s uncle died, Erye did not forgive him. The Erye home regarded foreign families, moved over from Henan provinces Zhuang. To the Erye generation, because Bi Chou, the Erye the father Zuming Lord only then home to move back from Henan now zhuangli, a person in Henan Chuangdangjianghu, 36-year-old a month a dark and stormy night, plot by the CIA to fight illegal guns died on the way home. The Erye surrendered to participate in the People’s Liberation YSL T-Shirt For Men Army, participated in the Huaihai Campaign army south to Guangzhou, the Southwest, crossed the Yalu River to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea retired, and in the small township mayor and a few guys riding three hung bicycle to the father of three provinces Zhuang Zuming respect Ren Ye, Ye and grandfather the remains moved back to the forests laid to rest. Moment hotly thing is to achieve the the Erye wish – Kebei erected a monument, but there is a problem, that is not Kebei living Erye not know which will close their eyes on leave, to discuss over and over again, and referrals to the North Township uncle and family, it was agreed that the monument is carved the first Kebei Engrave Emboss written, etc. Erye one died, the telephone notification Kebei go in accordance with written embossed engraved , Because second grandmother died five years, to be a funeral funeral, some time. Brothers and a few minutes after the the Erye xxiaomai22 funeral processing, and gather together reviewed the world drafted yin yang side the inscription format and content, steles material prices by the world to make arrangements for the implementation of consultation with several nephews Erye Big Brother house monument stand where, how legislative Ampang, country and your family brother to discuss with their brothers and three, all arranged the one hand, we carefully wait Erye, on the one hand pumping crowded time to coordinate in Kebei tombstoning related matters.