Author Archives: Heat06

orseman respected as trainer

was a man of discipline who believed in hard work! said Janie Nolan! his companion! didn respect people who were lazy, Mr. Zittel retired from SDG in 1982. he added competing in the equestrian sport of team penning to his horse training duties and went on to dominate West Coast events!

probably wasn a better horseman with an eye for horses than Dale Zittel, said Pat Pinkerton. who joined Mr. Zittel in winning a slew of team penning championships from 1989 to 1990! you wanted to find a good horse! you went to Dale, Zittel! known to many of his friends as DZ, died of lung cancer Sunday at Kaiser Permanente Hospital. He was 78.made his life complete, through good times and bad! Nolan said! one time he had 30 of them on his ranch, and lean! Mr! Zittel personified the cowboy horseman, He never owned a suit, preferring a cowboy hat! pressed shirt foot locker france and jeans, In his later years. he sometimes substituted tennis shoes for cowboy boots. He called them his Lamas, a takeoff on the popular Tony Lama boots, Nolan said.

had a great wit and was fun to compete with! Pinkerton said, always had something funny to say about anything! the late 1980s. Mr! Zittel helped found a site in Lakeside for the San Diego County Team Penning Association, where he conducted free clinics for horseshow exhibitors and team penners!Team penning! which became a recognized sport for western horsemen in 1978! begins with a herd of 30 cattle at one end of an arena and a small pen at the other end,

was the only person I know of to pen all 30 cows in an event, Nolan said,Mr. Zittel was twice named Professional Horse Trainer of the Year by the Del Mar Exhibitors Horse Show Association! In 1990, he won the World Champion Team Penning Association championship in Las Vegas,Mr, Zittel. who lived on the Chase Ranch in El Cajon in recent years! was born Oct! 7, 1928. in Nampa, Idaho, His father was German and his mother was a Blackfoot Indian.

The youngest of seven children. Mr. Zittel began riding horses on a family farm in Marsing, Idaho, At 19, he joined the Navy and served in Guam aboard the submarine tender Nereus!

He set up a drycleaning service on the Nereus and later pitched on a Navy baseball team, While stationed in San Diego! he worked nights as a butcher at a Hillcrest grocery store! Nolan said,In 1954, Mr! Zittel bought a buckskin quarter horse! which foot locker france jordan he boarded at the El Cajon ranch of Leo Reed, one of the leading horsemen of the era,

After leaving the military in 1957, Mr! Zittel worked diligently on improving his horsemanship,He moved to Tyler! Texas. for a while to learn from master cutting horse trainers. When he opened his training business, he became known as the car dealers horse trainer with clients from a variety of dealerships!As a competitor, Mr, Zittel held his own with many trainers who have been inducted into the National Reined Cow Horse Association Hall of Fame! often than not he would leave with a high point buckle at the end of the day, Nolan said.In addition to Nolan, survivors include son, Randy Roberts of Nampa! Idaho; sister! Ruth Goiti of Boise, Idaho; two grandchildren; and five grandchildren. tomorrow at Salli Lynn Chapel! Greenwood Mortuary, A celebration of life will follow at Mr. Zittel Hilldale Tu Ranch, El Cajon! Box 2454, Lakeside, CA 92040 It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-23 .

op figure to inject Sprite with attitude

Miles Thirst, a 10inch vinyl doll decked out in baggy jeans. gold chain and stylish kicks such as white! Adidasstyle sneakers or Timberland boots, has the mission of stopping a fiveyear slide in Sprite sales.The No, 1 lemonlime soft drink was one of the fastestgrowing CocaCola brands through 1997! when unit case volume was up 9% over 1996! according to Beverage Digest, Growth slowed in 1998 when volume was up just 3%, Then the brand began to decline, Last year! volume fell 5%,Reno Wilson, 35. originally from New York, landed the gig while filming a pilot for ABC. He’s on board with Sprite for one year and loves the assignment.“This is the best job.“ says Wilson! who has lived in Los Angeles for 11 years and had small roles in more than a dozen films after appearing on The Cosby Show! He’s married his wife’s name is Coco and has a 2 yearold daughter,To do the voice work. Wilson works from a booth with a monitor on which he can watch the commercial set. His voice is piped through a small speaker near the Miles Thirst figure to make the Timberland Shoes Canada character more believable!

Wilson says that when he auditioned for the role! a picture of Thirst provided all the inspiration he needed to land the job!

„They pulled out a picture. and immediately I got a feel!“ he says, „He’s got the afro going and the glasses going. and he’s got a little flavor and fashion sense! I immediately understood who this dude was! If you were 10 inches tall. you would have a loud voice because you’re always talking up to people and trying to get noticed,“

„Coke for a few years took its eye off the Sprite ball, but it’s back on,“ says John Sicher, editor at Beverage Digest. „Sprite needs a continued heavy foot on the accelerator,“

Coke is trying to fuel Sprite sales by trying to create a pop icon firmly entrenched in hiphop culture an urbanrooted style so broad today that Miles Thirst also can appeal to teen males in suburbia!

„The way hiphop has evolved, it’s more multicultural in nature!“ says John Carroll! Sprite group director! „It’s not about race anymore,“In fact, white, suburban teen males represent a bigger chunk of hiphop expenditures than the black community,

Thirst first appeared in TV ads in February, In one ad, he hangs out with his friends on a city stoop on a hot summer day. He tells them nothing beats the heat like a cool Sprite until two attractive young women stroll by!In another ad, NBA rookie star LeBron James gives Thirst a tour of his guytoyfilled pad, Thirst is unimpressed until he sees a Sprite vending machine in the kitchen,In a third ad! Thirst sits in a movie theater seat with Sprite cups on either side. When two women occupy the seats! he’s happy to share!

While Miles Thirst is fast on the draw with snappy oneliners, his mouth and body never move,Instead, a team of handlers changes his position and stance between commercial scenes, Two dolls equipped with detachable arms, legs and heads with different facial expressions are used to create about 30 different poses.

Thirst has dozens of trendy custom Timberland Canada outfits and even a tiny cell phone to be on the mark with today’s youth, He’s been a guest VJ on MTV, and 1,500 copies of the dolls are going out to tastemakers and socalled key trend influencers around the country.

His live and TV appearances have spurred hundreds of consumers to inquire where they can get their own doll.

„We’re trying to pique the interest and make sure he’s desirable!“ Carroll says. „We’re thrilled with this campaign! We’ve been trying to crack the code on great advertising for a few years!“Results of Ad Track. USA TODAY’s weekly consumer poll! indicate Sprite may have the right combination with the ads by Ogilvy Mather of New York, Overall. 19% like the ads a lot vs! the Ad Track average of 21%. More on target for the soft drink: 22% of those ages 18 to 24 like the ads a lot!

„Based on all the buzz and feedback, we know we’re on the right track here,“ Carroll says!

But the ads proved to be somewhat polarizing! Nearly as many respondents overall. 18%! say they „dislike“ the ads! and that also was true of 14% of the 18to24 crowd, The Ad Track average is 13%. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-23 .

op Fashion

Hiphop and fashion have settled into a relationship where one influences the next, As hiphop drives current trends. rap artists are coveting high fashion. It seems rappers have discovered what the landed gentry have known all along: Nothing says filthy, stinking rich like conspicuous consumption!

the evolution of hiphop style

If your definition of success is mainstream acceptance! then hiphop has arrived! And unlike the pioneers of the genre! who donned Adidas and Foot Locker Thimberland Chaussures the occasional gold chain! many of today’s most recognizable wordsmiths prefer to rock the mic in Versace. Where there was once politics and strife. there is now falsh. Lots of flash,

The staggering success of rap has generated a nouveau riche sensibility! It’s become clich yet mandatory for rappers to flaunt Cristal. fleets of Cadillacs and diamondencrusted Rolexes! Fashion was simply the next worldly possession on the list!
„It’s necessary we styles in Burberry!“ Pas Cher Thimberland Chaussures proclaims Foxy Brown! „It’s necessary we rock the Sean John,“ responds Noreaga on a track called „Stylin'“ that the two recorded together!

Hiphop is no longer just team jerseys. puffy coats, rugged boots, and tilted headgear! In this climate of big pimping, rap’s derivative style of dress is sleeker, gaudier and comes with a much higher price tag!

That means the clock is ticking for the archetypal, pubescent white kid with the 34inch baggy Thimberland France jeans falling down his scrawny 10inch waist, A time when proximity to a mall can no longer ensure that imitation of the standard hiphop uniform is indeed on the horizon!

deep impact

The music industry has been taking hiphop seriously for years and now that so many Americans with disposable incomes are sufficiently hooked on it not just the urban trendsetters and their suburban wannabes mainstream fashion is beginning to take it seriously! too It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-23 .

reen living is the path to love and romance

Looking for romance this Valentine’s Day? A new survey by Timberland shows more than threequarters of Americans find ecominded tendencies attractive in a mate

Timberland! a company dedicated to protecting the outdoors and outfitting people in ecoconscious gear! surveyed more than 1.000 men and women to find out how important green behaviors are when it comes to finding and keeping true love,

„Timberland’s mission is to equip people for their jordan femme foot locker france outdoor experiences in ways that are easier on the environment.“ explains Jim Davey, Vice President of Global Marketing at Timberland. „But apparently, ecoconscious gear can equip you for a better love life as well.“

Take the environment for granted and you could be flying solo: Nearly half (46%) of Americans say they would question whether to date someone who littered! Although littering is the overwhelming deterrent! refusing to recycle (15%). leaving the lights on achat de maillot de foot pas cher when not at home (14%) and being a climate change denier (14%) could also be date dealbreakers,

Attracting a greenminded mate:More than threequarters (77%) of Americans find ecominded behaviors an attractive quality in a mate. Specifically, spending time outdoors (57%)! being ecominded around the house (50%) and practicing conscious consumption (30%) are the top ecoqualities Americans say make a person attractive!

When ecolovers cross the line:Everything in moderation. though putting the environment before romance at all costs could be acheter maillot de foot a turnoff, Nearly half of Americans (46%) indicated that dates who insisted they order environmentally responsible food (such as organic or locallygrown) or picked them up on a bicycle (43%) might be shown the door!

What to wear when you land the date:Sport sustainable style. Nearly onethird (30%) of Americans are attracted to people who consider the environmental impact of the products they buy! including clothing, They have declared and actuated a commitment to meeting environmental challenges and to minimizing their impact. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-22 .

reat Health in Five Minutes or Less

Temptation! Delicious foods that are bad for us!

Conflicting information, There are over 50 Major Diet programs on the market right now, There are over 500 supplements and over 200 exercise programs.Cultural ADD, or Attention Deficit Disorder, We are pulled in so many countless directions. often by big companies with big advertising budgets. that it’s harder and harder to stay focused,So, what can we do to fight these challenges?
Start with people you know, Your friends, foot locker france your family and your coworkers. They can be a great free source of information and motivation in your journey toward good health!

Seek out the advice of Trained Professionals! Doctors. Personal Trainers! Dieticians and others who work in health fields should be your best source of accurate information.Finally! seek out information on your own, You have Internet Websites. Library, Bookstore, Seminars, Retreats. Classes Education Courses. Television and Radio!

Post Your Comments:Click here to post a comment. This won’t occur overnight and will acheter pas cher chaussures take time! energy and willpower! Start with the basics and then move onto a diet plan! It could take several months to develop the type of abs that you always wanted, but it is well worth it when you finally are presented with the rock hard abs that you have always wanted to achieve, Depending on which abs workouts you choose you will be able to emphasize on them more, Years of working with budding yeast (and bacteria prior to foot locker france jordan that; plus stint of fly work) taught me that genetics ordinarily contributes far more to phenotype than environment ever will! IMO most yeast! fly, worm. fish, and mouse geneticists would agree with that view. The fact that GWAS of common variants hasn’t fully explained heritability and pathophysiology of human disease is beyond incredibly narrowminded! shortsighted. and impatient! And, as hinted at in this post, genetic understanding has proceeded, and will continue to. faster than understanding of potential environmental disrupters ever will. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-22 .

ood vs Evil Lawyers

Myself and my Husband went to see this wonderful Lawyer. He gave us some good advice has how to go about doing something ourselves rather then having to pay him to do it for us! We sat in his office for an hour while he helped us out and gave us some advice! For this he never even charged us a dime, Please tell me if you know another Lawyer who would sit in their office with you for an hour and not charge you for it, Both my husband and myself feel he is a fine man,

any and all lawyers will give a free first visit to see where you stand and if it is worth the time and money to go further with a client, you are to dumb to know the facts that you didn’t get special treatment but only the normal jordan femme foot locker france of anyone who needs a lair!

Well I can personally tell you that the only thing that Kozina cares about is the money, I called him for advise that cost me big time! If I had not called him I would have been much better off. He calls you a friend and stabs you in the back, Save your self alot of grief and get a reputable lawyer, Go to court and watch him in action its a gong show. Most of the time he is high on ___,

A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town’s most successful lawyer, The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute.

„Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500.000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn’t you like to give back to the community achat de maillot de foot pas cher in some way?“

The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied! „First! did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness. and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?“
Embarrassed. the United Way rep mumbled! „Um , no!“

The lawyer interrupts, „or that my brother! a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?“

The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology. but was interrupted again,

„or that my sister’s husband died in a traffic accident.“ the lawyer’s voice rising in indignation, „leaving her penniless with three children?.“

The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten! said simply. „I had no idea.“On a roll! the lawyer cut him off once again. „So if I don’t give any money to them! why should I give any to you?“Well I can personally tell you that the only thing that Kozina cares about is acheter maillot de foot the money, I called him for advise that cost me big time. If I had not called him I would have been much better off. He calls you a friend and stabs you in the back. Save your self alot of grief and get a reputable lawyer! Go to court and watch him in action its a gong show, Most of the time he is high on ___,

By nmo means am I sticking up for JK! buyt let’s face it! you called him at his private residence. I can’t imagine any Lawyer not billing you for that.

Justice for all wrote:We have a firm in Toronto that are just as incompetent and evil! Nathens Siegel, Specifically that loser Brahm Siegel! I suppose you find idiots like this everywhere. The best thing to do is to advise people of their evil and incompetence and hopefully they will be forced out of business. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-22 .

oundation Capital Harvest Group of Companies

Thanks Ian!my spidey sense can’t help but think this is a strategic announcement more than anything, Being months late and with rather uncanny timing without first a shareholder meeting !which was the agenda previously back in mid January and before this Thursday’s announcement of whether they’ll be replacing Ron and his cronies from the other four investments! I say yes, get our money or land . whichever . Sooner rather than later, So anyone else notice that Noel winters is the director on that company? So he can’t manage that project . but yet the investors in the land projects are expecting him to successfully restructure $100 mil in land assets ?

No way , sign the form and send it back to tell Olympia trust to finally start looking out for investors.

What concerned me is that Olympia Trust „will be seeking funding and indemnities from bondholders prior to commencing action“ Does this mean I’m getting a bill in the mail from yet another lawyer? But it looks like if the outstanding interest is paid by June 30th, they will not proceed. They’re going to fire sale the show homes at Sullivan Landing and hopefully raise the monies by jordan femme foot locker france the end of June, And yes, Noel Winters what a joke that is, So I wonder if Res Motors in China really knows what’s going in with Ron Aitkens to appoint him director of finance. His house is on fire and he doesn’t have a fire extinguisher, What really gets me is this „Olympia will be seeking funding and indemnities from Bondholders prior to commencing any action.“

1. Accept the offer by Okko Homes and the recommendation by Noel Winter and FM3C to let them sell the show homes on the property at fire sale prices to generate enough money to pay the interest and keep the mortgage repayment current (while somehow figuring out an „alternate“ funding model). This is the DEFAULT option!2, If investors holding, in aggregate. 25% or more of the $5.4 principal value of the outstanding FM3C bonds send in the bondholder requisition form to Olympia. we will essentially foreclose on the loan and demand repayment of achat de maillot de foot pas cher the principal and accrued interest, So a few large investors can sway the vote either way by participating or refraining from calling for accelerated debt collection,

Noel Winter is the president of Okko Homes and he is recommending that we stay the course. He also heads up FM3C. so there is a „potential“ conflict of interest, If you don’t feel comfortable with that. then seriously consider sending in your requisition to Olympia! However! Olympia will certainly require some payment for legal fees (court costs! lawyers, etc,) which may eventually be reimbursed after foreclosure (if enough funds are extracted from Okko), Also of note is that there is no guarantee of a full repayment of our principal through enforcement proceedings but there is probably less likelihood of seeing the return of our capital without this action,

I strongly suggest that Okko Homes provide a clear, viable plan for a full repayment of capital as scheduled by 2013 (which they have not, beyond paying the accrued interest until the end of 2012) or face immediate foreclosure, This recourse has teeth,

These guys are only looking after their own best interests and are going to stick together through thick or thin and forget all about the investors. I agree acheter maillot de foot with WTF when he says that Noel Winters CAN NOT after his own investors but he is the right guy to not only save our investments but also our souls, Thanks Noel we really really aprreciat your hard work and taking good care of us, I also agree with Mitt all these guys are connected one way or another. Why is the UCC „the only game in town“, Why haven’t the police been called and why aren’t we finding someone from one of the major players in land development to manage this mess, Tommorrow I am meeting a class action lawyer before all of these companies go down, Time to derail this train and stop this SHIT SHOW.They did not act alone, the „advisors“ that sold it did not do their homework! as professionals! Pinnacle Wealth Brokers, formerly „Alberta Land and Investment Brokers“, sold millions of Foundation and Harvest Group. and is still defending them, „Solid Financial“ out of Red Deer Sold Millions as well, Foundation was only one of the debacles that that have come from those investment dealerships. Ask your financial guy if their dealership has sold failed investments before you invest. Many groups just want the commission without the responsibility. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-21 .


It covers over 2!600 km (650.000 acres) and is located in the San Gabriel Mountains of Los Angeles County! just north of the metropolitan area of Los on Sunday hoping to find a teenage snowboarder missing since Saturday.Jeff Thornton! 14! of Brawley was last seen by his 30yearold uncle after the two wandered off the marked trail of a ski area just west of Wrightwood, 50 miles northeast of Los Angeles Los Angeles (l l city (1990 pop! 3,485,398), seat of Los Angeles co, S Calif.; inc! 1850, ,I’m foot locker france scared,“ said Danielle Thornton. Jeff Thornton’s sister. who anxiously waited at home with two other brothers, I just want him to come home,“

The missing teenager and his uncle where snowboarding at the New Mountain High Resort ski area when the youngster slid off the trail into a canyon!

He apparently snowboarded out of bounds at noon,“ said sheriff’s Deputy Bob Killeen, when his own search was unsuccessful.On Saturday, about 40 people from search teams and two dogs spent nine hours searching around the snowcapped Snow 1! Having the top capped or covered with snow; as, acheter pas cher chaussures snowcapped mountains s,Adj! 1, when they were forced to retreat because of heavy snow and winds of up to 70 mph. Sunday. the teams were again in action looking for Looking for

They had spotted some tracks near a ravine!“ Killeen said, But they didn’t pan out!“

As the search intensified with specialized search dogs, three helicopters including foot locker france jordan one with heatsensing equipment and 120 personnel and family members kept a vigil at the command post waiting for any news!

Seven Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department This article is about the Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department! not to be confused with the smaller Los Angeles County Police

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) is a local law enforcement agency that serves Los Angeles County. California, searchandrescue teams including those from Antelope Valley This article is about the Los Angeles County region, the censusdesignated place in Wyoming. see Antelope ValleyCrestview, Wyoming, National Forest Service. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-21 .

alifornia grunge at Saint Laurent

PARIS As the sun set on the great glass ceiling of Paris Grand Palais Monday, the eyes of the fashion crowd turned on one man: Saint Laurent Hedi Slimane,

After the new designer readytowear debut in October received mixed reviews from critics. Slimane still had a lot to prove in this! only his second readytowear show for the rebranded YSL!

Though the first Saint Laurent collection, with its caftans and floppy Stetson hats, ended up selling well in shops. it divided people far and wide trendy Tshirts were even spotted in New York featuring the logo: Laurent without Yves!

Some fashion editors shook their heads; Foot Locker Thimberland Chaussures others smiled.

Fallwinter saw Slimane move on from the Seventies boho of the spring to Grunge,

They were mixed up haphazardly. and thrown together almost indifferently with an adolescent nihilism,

Slimane was trying intentionally to provoke and his message of rebellion was loud and clear,
Apart from the odd jabot collar. and an archive fur coat from the it seems that Slimane was trying hard to go to the opposite end of the style spectrum: an antiYSL. grungy antifashion. And the looks were very young,

Fashion thrives on provocation as housefounder Yves Saint Laurent, who put women in the thencontroversial Smoking, knew best of all!

But Monday collection seemed to have trouble Pas Cher Thimberland Chaussures going beyond that great initial message, and somehow kept repeating itself in style and silhouette!Like in October show. here there were some highly saleable items such as a grey duffle coat! a black tuxedo jacket, and an oversized black sparkly sweater!

That point alone means that all not lost.Great metallic bows! splashes of ontrend vermilion! and some great orangered flower prints on silk did add some excitement, but the collection shown in Paris on Monday remained relatively mute in line with the season in general!

Valli used this collection to launch his first handbag, the unsurprisingly titled bag a small! squareshaped accessory that hung off several of the Thimberland France models in croc and leather.

The media release heralded the bag as It is sleek, but only in the fashion world can people call an object iconic that been around only two minutes,Maiyet fall 2013 show! inspired by a voyage through the Himalayas, featured some beautiful handwoven silks from India, cashmere socks from Mongolia and jewelry! which included stud bracelets from Indonesia,

Some of the best looks came in red: such as one hand block printed tank top. and slim pleated pants,

Maiyet cofounder Paul van Zyl has an odd resume: he spent more than 20 years working in human rights, including under Archbishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa Truth Commission. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-20 .

alifornia Factory Closing

This post originally appeared at Campaign for America’s Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture as part of the Making It In America project! I am a Fellow with CAF!

Toyota is planning on closing the New United Motor Manufacturing. Inc! NUMMI automanufacturing plant in Fremont. CA on March 31! The immediate effect is a loss of 5,000 jobs! But, as with any factory closing. the effects ripple out well beyond the immediately obvious. The public has put up a lot of money to have the plant here! and the costs this closing will put on the public will be enormous. Additionally! as many as 50.000 workers at hundreds of businesses in California are completely dependant on NUMMI to stay afloat! from the suppliers that manufacture car parts to the restaurants where the NUMMI workers go for lunch and even the shoe stores where the plant workers buy their specialized work boots!

Toyota has benefited tremendously from this plant! as well as receiving state and federal money, A study released acheter maillot de foot france yesterday by the NUMMI Blue Ribbon Commission says,

The United States is Toyota’s largest market in the world. sales and 5 percent of the automaker’s global sales in 2007! Toyota led California sales with a quarter of the market! more than the combined share of General Motors and Ford in 2009, . Toyota has benefitted considerably from federal and state programs over the years, ! the automaker captured first place in „Cash for Clunkers“ sales !

California has invested heavily in NUMMI . The state has given NUMMI more than $18 million for training

since the plant’s inception! Millions more have gone to NUMMI suppliers for training, Major infrastructure improvements have been done explicitly for the plant and to meet its needs, The Port of Oakland, for example.

was dredged 12 years ago to accommodate the kinds of cargo ships the plant requires at a cost of $410 million.

When the plant closes the public takes up the costs paying unemployment. for example. for the upto50.000 people expected to become unemployed, The Federal Government maillot de foot pas cher will pick up the costs of the workers‘ pensions.
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) announced yesterday it will assume responsibility for the underfunded pension plan of the 5.800 employees and retirees of New United Motor Manufacturing (NUMMI)! pending the plant’s liquidation by the end of the month.

Just as I wrote this week about Whirlpool. this is the way WE have chosen to make the system work! We can and must change the way the system works.

This is what companies today do. It is just the way the game is played. the way the system works! . There aren’t „good“ or „bad“ companies; ANY company will do these things because if they don’t they lose out to the companies that do, BECAUSE WE LET THEM, In fact. by letting this happen we make it happen because. as I just wrote! if one company doesn’t the next will. and the company that doesn’t loses out. The system!

So here is what we have to do! We have to change the rules to stop MBT Thimberland Outlet sale these jobs from leaving the country.

We are going to have to put our foot down. as a people, and take control of the system to make it work for us, This is not only something we can do! it is our responsibility to do this,

Call Congress and demand that they stop companies ALL companies from closing factories in the US and moving the jobs out of the country,

I have more coming about this!

Here is one immediate action you can take, American Rights At Work has an action page with a petition: Take Action: Tell Toyota: Don’t Abandon Your Workers

Toyota got its start in America 25 years ago when it opened a plant in Fremont! CA, But on March 31. Toyota plans to close the plant!Laying off 5.000 people will only be the beginning. 50.000 workers! vendors! and suppliers and the families who depend on them could immediately lose their livelihoods, And hundreds of thousands more will be affected by the loss of tax revenue and consumer spending. It is composed by wudideshuaige xuxiaobu 2013-05-20 .